This is the first pre-recorded show I’m doing… hope you enjoy!! (News links on the bottom)
Tag: Chrono Trigger
Press Start to Continue DLC (7/11/16): Shuffle the Cards
A Randomized episode! Every playlist since the end of january thrown into a blender. lets see what comes out!
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
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Press Start to Continue DLC, 6/6/16
The (kinda) triple six got me, and i didn’t get a recording.. but here is the playlist!
The playlist is marked as follows:
Press Start to Continue DLC, 5/23/16
This show i was feeling super chill, so enjoy some relaxing stuff, hand picked by me because well its my show? I hope you enjoy!
Press Start to Continue DLC, 5/9/16
Doin’ what we do best! Music, stuttering, and not reading things correctly!
Remember, I’m always on the lookout for new music from artists of any stripe. If you have a nerdcore artist i should take a listen to or a chiptunes band you want to hear LET ME KNOW! email, twitter, facebook, anything!
Press Start to Continue, 12/28/15
Happy New Year!
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
- stratification (OC ReMix) by melody (Chrono Trigger)
- Lone Star (OC ReMix) by Pyro Paper Planes (Metroid Prime)
- Minecraft Theme – Minecraft by The String Arcade – The String Arcade
- One Wintersday Night (OC ReMix) by DusK (Guild Wars 2)
- Proceed Without Caution (OC ReMix) by Sir_NutS (Bionic Commando)
- Watching Ink Dry! by bLiNd – Splatunes! (Splatoon)
- Brash by BadguyEX – Monster Manual
- Koopa Nova (OC ReMix) by Diodes (Super Mario Kart)
- Madcap Magma (OC ReMix) by Fxsnowy, Skrypnyk (Donkey Kong Country 2)
- Prayer for the Azure Waters (OC ReMix) by Garpocalypse (Aquaria)
- Ignus (OC ReMix) b y sschafi1 (Drakengard 3)
- Ripples (OC ReMix) by Phonetic Hero (Super Castlevania IV)
- Game of (8-bit) Tones [NESKeytar] by Theremin Hero
- Aliens in My Waterfall! (OC ReMix) by Erik Vreven, Ivan Hakštok, Jorito, Sixto Sounds (Contra)
- KABOOM! by I Fight Dragons – KABOOM!
- Fly (OC ReMix) by Palpable (Pilotwings)
- Wake Up! (featuring MC Frontalot) by Mega Ran
- Drunken Monkey (OC ReMix) by Yffisch (Monkey Island 2)
- Kind of Betus Blue (Betus Blues Piano) (OC ReMix) by Brent Kennedy (Super Meat Boy)
- Trance Turnabout! (OC ReMix) by DigiE (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
- For The Kids by Billy the Fridge & Timm Konn – Lunch Box Soldiers EP
- Rather Hang With You (Than Play More Pokemon) by Adam WarRock
- Drink Ale Everyday by Sulfur – Odin’s Son
- Timekeeper [Quartz Quadrant JP] by G-Mixer – Sonic CD: Temporal Duality (OC ReMix)
- Bus! OC ReMix) by Shadow (EarthBound)
- A New Beginning [Staff Roll ~ Ending] by CarboHydroM – Mega Man 9: Back in Blue (OC ReMix)
Artists featured tonight:
BadGuyEx –
Theremin Hero –
I Fight Dragons –
Mega Ran –
MC Frontalot –
Adam WarRock – – @eugewarrock
Billy the Fridge –
Sulfur –
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix ( – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!Be sure to check out Popular Geekary on Youtube and Facebook, where you’ll hear Press Start EVERY Wednesday!
We also have the Twitch you can check out: I’ll probably throw that on randomly when I’m working on the playlist or playing some random games? Who knows.
Press Start to Continue, 12/14/15
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
- Very… Very Wrong Castle (OC ReMix) by YoshiBlade (Super Mario World)
- Tibetan Tussle (OC ReMix) by timaeus222 – Dungeonmans Remanstered
- Savage Triumph (OC ReMix) by Flexstyle, Nutritious, OA (Final Fantasy 6)
- Inside the Roadhouse (OC ReMix) djpretzel Zillion
- Redemption (OC ReMix) by Brandon Strader (Walking Dead)
- Sudden Death [Big Boss Confrontation BGM (Kraid, Crocomire, Phantoon)] by Protricity – Super Metroid: Relics of the Chozo (OC ReMix)
- Orbital Space Junk (OC ReMix) by Sir_NutS (Clystron)
- Deadly Furniture (OC ReMix) by Slimy (Super Castlevania IV)
- The Sin War (OC ReMix) by Daknit, Bard of Tarot (Diablo)
- DJ Jake (OC ReMix) by DJ Jake (Wizards & Warriors)
- Pegasus Boots (OC ReMix) by Shnabubula (Solstice)
- Kid Now, Squid Now! by Dj CUTMAN – Splatunes!
- WetGrass Inspired (OC ReMix) by AmIEvil (Diablo)
- White Noise by BadguyEX – Monster Manual
- PL41|\| (New Super Mario Bros.) by DJ RoboRob – Super Cartography Bros. (OC ReMix)
- Link is Fly feat. INDO Washington by Kadesh Flow
- Tight Finale (OC ReMix) by Jivemaster (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)
- Knuckles’ Unknown from M.C. (OC ReMix) by José the Bronx Rican (Sonic Adventure 2)
- Times of Distortion (OC ReMix) by Thumper (Chrono Trigger)
- Funky Bookas (OC ReMix) by Shadow (EarthBound)
- Theme of Love for Guitar Duet (OC ReMix) by Pot Hocket (Final Fantasy 4)
- Immortalized (OC ReMix) by Sole Signal (Halo 3)
- Easy Mode feat. Wordspit by Mega Ran – Mega Ran 10
- USB Mindlink (OC ReMix) by Aureolius (Kabuki: Quantum Fighter)
- Socks On by MC Frontalot – Final Boss
Artists featured tonight:
Mega Ran –
MC Frontalot –
Kadesh Flow –
BadGuyEx –
DJ Cutman –
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix ( – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Be sure to check out Popular Geekary on Youtube and Facebook, where you’ll hear Press Start EVERY Wednesday!
We also have the Twitch you can check out: I’ll probably throw that on randomly when I’m working on the playlist or playing some random games? Who knows!
Press Start to Continue, 12/7/15
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
- It’s-a-Me (Super Mario World) by Funk Fiction – Super Cartography Bros. (OC ReMix)
- Motion Sickness (OC ReMix) by Eino Keskitalo (Portal 2)
- Larry (OC ReMix) by Chimpazilla, WillRock (Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards)
- New Horizons (Pokémon Gold Version) by Pokérus – Heart of a Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata (OC ReMix)
- Kodoku (OC ReMix) by RoeTaKa (Dark Souls II)
- Coming Darkness (OC ReMix) by Chris Bess, FFmusic Dj, Geoffrey Taucer (Chrono Trigger)
- If You Believe (OC ReMix) by Jeff Ball, mklachu, Pearl Pixel, ZackParrish (Mother)
- Choose Your Character! (Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Brawl) by Sbeast – Heart of a Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata (OC ReMix)
- Soggy Carousel (OC ReMix) by worldsbestgrandpa (Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
- Dungeons to Explore (OC ReMix) by Pokérus (Zelda: A Link to the Past)
- Spacetona JAM – King of Slam by MrLegionnare (Quad City DJs vs Takenobu Mitsuyoshi) – Spacetona JAM Court Edition (Youtube)
- Super Skeet Fighter Turbo Alphamale IV (OC ReMix) by Prince uf Darkness (Street Fighter Alpha)
- Ragol Weather (OC ReMix) by zircon (Phantasy Star Online)
- I’ll Form The Head (feat. Dr Awkward, ZeaLouS1) by MC Frontalot – Solved
- Miljoonamiehen muistelmat (OC ReMix) by Eino Keskitalo (Mega Man 2)
- Breaking the Ice (OC ReMix) by DigiE (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)
- Cyborg Blobby (OC ReMix) by Mazedude (A Boy and His Blob)
- Goth Girls by MC Frontalot – Nerdcore Rising
- The Whole Point (We Can Freak It Freestyle) by Mega Ran and Mr. Miranda
- Infinity Gems by Adam WarRock – TrackLog
- Twin Seeds Flyby (OC ReMix) by Level 99 (NiGHTS into dreams…)
- Warp Zone (1-2) by The ThoughtCriminals – Cold Winter
- Arcade Trip (ft. Maros) by 2 Mello – Game Center CX EP
- How Many Heavens Are There? (OC ReMix) by Wiesty, XPRTNovice (Final Fantasy 7)
- Stardust Dreamin by Mister Wilson – Sonic FreEP 2
Artists featured tonight:
Mister Wilson –
Adam WarRock – – @eugewarrock
2 Mello –
Mega Ran –
Mr. Miranda –
MC Frontalot –
The ThoughtCriminals –
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix ( – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Be sure to check out Popular Geekary on Youtube and Facebook, where you’ll hear Press Start EVERY Wednesday!
We also have the Twitch you can check out: I’ll probably throw that on randomly when I’m working on the playlist or playing some random games? Who knows!
Press Start to Continue, 9/28/15
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
- Vice City Theme (C64 Version) by The Roundheads (Vice City)
- The Other Side (OC ReMix) by The_Wizard_Lakmir (Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- Only in Novels (OC ReMix) by Daniel Ran (Deus Ex)
- Clear Reflections (OC ReMix) by Sir_NutS (Mirror’s Edge)
- Ominous Waltz (OC ReMix) by SOuNDSNC (Xenogears)
- GO! GO! GO! (Grand Opening) by PROTO·DOME – Milky Way Wishes: A Kirby Super Star Tribute
- Forest Glade (OC ReMix) by Neurophonic (Donkey Kong Country 2)
- G-Storm (OC ReMix) bLiNd (Extreme-G)
- Contrapuntal Field (OC ReMix) by timaeus222 (Fittest)
- A Blue-Green Color (OC ReMix) by metaphist (Sonic The Hedgehog)
- Wet Dreams ~Vaporeon~ (Viridian Forest, Theme of Cerulean City) by Phonetic Hero – Pokémon: The Eevee EP (OC ReMix)
- Fushigina Forest [A Link to the Past] by Laura Shigihara – 25YEARLEGEND: A Legend of Zelda Indie Game Composer Tribute (OC ReMix)
- The Depetrification of the Submerged Forest (OC ReMix) by Zisotto (Chrono Trigger)
- Simon Says: Let There Be Jazz (OC ReMix) by Nostalvania (Castlevania II)
- Superior by Adam WarRock – Marvel – NOW! Mixtape EP
- In the Darkness Lies (OC ReMix) by David L. Puga, DragonAvenger (Banjo-Kazooie)
- In Pieces (OC ReMix) by Palpable (Yoshi’s Island)
- Sailing on Lava (OC ReMix) by Sir_NutS (Sonic The Hedgehog)
- Lounge Lemmings (OC ReMix) by Mazedude (Lemmings)
- Megalo Kid March (OC ReMix) by Nixdorux (Kid Icarus)
- Lady in Black (OC ReMix) by Dj Mystix (Bayonetta)
- The Big Air Dare [Dreamin’] feat. T.Magoo (prod Big Fok) by SkyBlew – SkyBlew’s UNModern Life
- Area Codes (feat Lefty) by Mega Ran – TOUR: Date With A Dream
- Shades of Red (Theme of Pallet Town) by halc – Pokémon: The Missingno Tracks (OC ReMix)
- White Claudia (OC ReMix) by K. Praslowicz (Silent Hill)
- Get Out My House (Tenchi Muyo) prod. by: Yoku Masaki by Kadesh Flow – #NerdCrunk vol. 1
Adam WarRock –
Mega Ran –
Kadesh Flow –
SkyBlew –
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix ( – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Be sure to check out Popular Geekary on Youtube and Facebook, where you’ll hear Press Start EVERY Wednesday!
We also have the Twitch you can check out: I’ll probably throw that on randomly when I’m working on the playlist or playing some random games? Who knows.