SpooooOOOoookey Halloween Show! Not really spooky. (I get scared easy)
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Nerdy Music for the Masses
SpooooOOOoookey Halloween Show! Not really spooky. (I get scared easy)
Continue reading “Press Start to Continue DLC (10/31/16): 4Spooky6Me”
Its been three years since I wandered, dazed and confused, into VFR and started this little show. Its been so great, its been so fun, and I’ve been able to meet so many awesome people. Thanks for enjoying this awesome ride with me, and I hope you enjoy this show. I took every song I played in the last year and found the ones that I’ve listened to the most. So its a show of all of my favorite songs!
Continue reading “Press Start to Continue DLC Expansion Pack (5/2/16): Three Years! You owe me $20”
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
Artists featured tonight:
Epic Rap Battles of History – youtube.com/ERB
2 Mello – 2mello.net
Mega Ran – MegaRan.com
Weezer – The 8-bit Album – www.ptesquad.com/more/pte018.html
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends! Be sure to check out Popular Geekary on Youtube and Facebook, where you’ll hear Press Start EVERY Wednesday!
We also have the Twitch you can check out: Twitch.tv/PressStartVFR. I’ll probably throw that on randomly when I’m working on the playlist or playing some random games? Who knows.
SPOOKY MUSIC TIME! Hope you enjoy the awesome ghosts and demon inspired music tonight!
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
Featured Artists Tonight:
Mega Ran & K-Murdock –megarankmurdock.bandcamp.com
MC Frontalot – mcfrontalot.com
Kadesh Flow – kadeshflow.bandcamp.com
mc chris – mcchris.com
Dr. Awkward – drawkard.com
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Be sure to check out Popular Geekary on Youtube and Facebook, where you’ll hear Press Start EVERY Wednesday!
We also have the Twitch you can check out: Twitch.tv/PressStartVFR. I’ll probably throw that on randomly when I’m working on the playlist or playing some random games? Who knows!
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!