We celebrate the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros.!
The playlist is marked as follows:
Continue reading “Press Start to Continue Expansion Pack: It’sa Me, Mario Music (9/21/15)”Nerdy Music for the Masses
We celebrate the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros.!
The playlist is marked as follows:
Continue reading “Press Start to Continue Expansion Pack: It’sa Me, Mario Music (9/21/15)”
We were joined by Pat King from Pioneer Valley Gamer Developers – a group focused on building a community of those involved game development and production! Check them out at pvgd.org
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Artists featured tonight:
Adam WarRock – adamwarrock.com
Mega Ran & K-Murdock – megarankmurdock.bandcamp.com
MC Frontalot – mcfrontalot.com
Minibosses – minibosses.com
Wordburgler – wordburglar.com
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
Opening song: Ryu Interpretation (OC ReMix) by Malcos (Street Fighter 2)
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Artists need to eat too!
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
Opening song: Ryu Interpretation (OC ReMix) by Malcos (Street Fighter 2)
Ending song: Heavy Mario by Game Over
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Artists need to eat too!
An awesome night of Super Smash Bros music! Really ALL of the music. This podcast is chockfull of game remixes. So are you excited for the next SSMB?? I don’t know about you, but I am PUMPED for SSB for 3DS/Wii U. Whenever it comes out. Hopefully next year? Who cares!!
Here are the tracks played from tonight’s show.
The list is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
Here is the songlist and games remixed in this show:
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!