Hope you enjoyed the show! and if you didn’t here’s the podcast!
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
- Sky-High Rollers (OC ReMix) by timaeus222 (Rollerball)
- Pokemon FLO ny James Landino – Gamechops
- SMASHDANCE (Super Smash Bros. Melee) by ladyWildfire – Apex 2016: I Got Next (OC ReMix)
- Searing Aggression (OC ReMix) by zircon (Lufia II)
- But You’re Still Hungry (OC ReMix) by Marshall Art (Chrono Trigger)
- More Than MoN (OC ReMix) by Mazedude (Global Gladiators)
- On Wings of Steel (OC ReMix) by Sixto Sounds (After Burner)
- Timeless Calamity (OC ReMix) by Brandon Strader (Chrono Cross)
- Undone by the Blood (OC ReMix) by RoeTaKa (Bloodborne)
- Aveh Mountain Breakdown (OC ReMix) by Chris | Amaterasu, Doc Nano (Xenogears)
- elegy of the solipsist (OC ReMix) by melody (Zelda: Link’s Awakening)
- An Enjoyable Face Remodelling (OC ReMix) by shaboogen (Super Street Fighter II)
- Depth Perception (OC ReMix) by Insert Rupee (Pilotwings Resort)
- Bust This Groove ’81 (OC ReMix) by AkumajoBelmont (Bust a Groove)
- IR-Type (OC ReMix) by Instant Remedy (R-Type)
- On the Grind by GameBreax – EVO 2016
- The Beginning of a Legacy (OC ReMix) by Brandon Strader, The Dual Dragons (Final Fantasy)
- Intense Color (OC ReMix) by sephfire, SGX (Mario Paint)
- Kraid’s Lair on Piano by Derek Adam
- Iso ilo (ilomilo) by Eino Keskitalo, Birgitta Susi – Esther’s Dreams (OC ReMix)
- Hidden Palace (Master Emerald) (OC ReMix) by Arrow, LeeBro (Sonic & Knuckles)
- Take Shots by Sulfur – Re: Birth
- Red Blue Sanctuary (OC ReMix) by Binster (EarthBound)
- Chrome Skeleton (Subterranean Remix) by Angry Sons – Minus World
- Target Aquired by Zack Hughes – Depth Charge
- Space Cowboy (OC ReMix) by ilp0 (Gun.Smoke)
- Hardware Ace by 2 Mello – Game Center CX EP
Artists featured tonight:
Gamechops – music.gamechops.com
2 Mello – 2mellomakes.bandcamp.com
Derek Adam –www.youtube.com/user/dadam88ify
Zack Hughes – mythicman95.bandcamp.com/album/depth-charge
GameBreax – gamebreakers.bandcamp.com
Esther’s Deams – esther.ocremix.org
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
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