So obviously over the past few months I have been doing a live show less and less. I hate it, because I love my show, and I love playing music for everyone, but sometimes you have to be sure to be able to change so the show can be as awesome as it can be.
So with that in mind, I’m going to start recording from home. It’ll be easier on me health wise, and I’ll be able to bring you new music more often. This doesn’t mean I won’t ever do a live show again, I hope to. But this is just a new project, and I don’t know how it’ll work out!
I’m hoping that since I’ll be recording instead of going things live the music will be a better mixed, I can put some game news through the show, and most importantly deliver the podcast on time.
I still want requests and new music though!! Contact me at,, and I’m looking at you Nerdcore artists. Hook me up and I’ll put it out there.
This will be an interesting experiment that I’ll be trying out over the next month or two. Hopefully I’ll get to the point where I’ll be doing a few recorded shows a month and then a live show every now and then.
Thank you for listening to my little hobby, thank you for enjoying the podcast and the uploads on Popular Geekery, and I hope this new direction will get things a bit more stable now and in the future.
You guys make this so much fun, and I appreciate you all. Thank you